Memory Stories: an installation
Exhibition Statement
This installation represents the core myths and stories that are passed orally through generations across cultures and continents. These stories exist in our collective memory. Many of them have been subsumed by religions or subjugated by our romance with science. As these myths and stories disappear, what will replace them?
Mixed media on rice paper, 18" x 50'. detail
In this work I deliberately push the edge of two-dimensions by using the thinnest of surfaces, Chinese rice paper and fine silk fabric, separating them from the wall and freeing them from the limits of the frame. These materials embody both the vulnerability of myth and its enduring nature. I suspend the scrolls in air, so the images swirl and dance in time and space, or I intertwine them with natural materials to connect them with the beginnings of language.
Memory String
Mixed media on rice paper, detail
A Long Story
Mixed media on rice paper, detail
Long Story
Mixed media on rice paper, 18" x 50', detail
Memory String
Mixed Media on rice paper, detail
Mixed media, rice paper, wood, H 48 x L 42 x W 24
Written story and drawings, detail
Mixed media on rice paper, 18" x 30', detail
Memory String
Mixed media on rice paper, 15" x 60'
Memory String
There was a man who dreamed
Artist Book (cover detail), 10 x 14
"There was a man who dreamed he was a butterfly. He flew so high when he awoke, he didn't know if he was a man who dreamed he was a butterfly or a butterfly who dreamed he was a man."